Wednesday 12 October 2011

how do i communicate effectively to others????

Being a good communicator is more than just making yourself heard but it’s about really understanding what you need to communicate and then finding the best way to communicate it.

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful business or private relationship and just like any other skill, it’s something that can be learned and practised. Many people feel they are not very good at communicating clearly in a face-to-face situation and shy away from it, preferring to rely on emails and texts – they then wonder why they do not seem to achieve the outcomes they were hoping for! 

Therefore, we need to communicate effectively with those around us, whether that’s your manager, your colleagues or even your partner, but how do we get it right? It’s essential to be clear about the purpose of communication and what makes it effective.

there are some tips i do to communicate effectively;


for me the message may be entertaining, but if i do not understand i will lost at the end of communication and also the other. So that's why understanding is the one of the way make me effective in communicate with people. 
This is usually achieved by the use of good questioning skills for example i am using ‘open’ questions to gain additional information from my audiences, and ‘closed’ questions to clarify what i am think about.  
Naturally, if i am going to ask questions,i also need to be able and prepared to listen properly to what is said or in the case of written communication, to read what i have received very carefully before responding to my audiences.
 not only that i am also, avoid abbreviations if i am in any doubt as to the other party’s level of knowledge on the subject.

Get interested in other people

audiences or people have two situations which other people can listen to; 
1)what’s in it for me(WIFM)
2)what’s in it for others(WIFO)
WIFM is BORING for people to listen to. Most people are interested in themselves. People want to be flattered, and I can do this by letting the other person talk about him or herself, by changing the channel to WIFO. 

By changing the channel to WIFO, I has just led the person to feeling good about themselves. Since i was the one who made them feel good about themselves, they will be indebted to me and will want to pay me back by helping me out with what i wanted them to do for me.

Diversify myself 

when i realise that i must change my way to communicate i am decided to learn about sports,cooking, dancing, even television shows,and else. This gives me subjects to talk about, as well as chances to meet new people. In cases such as dancing, where i meet people as i perform the activity, i'm actually killing two birds with one stone. From this i get the chance to meet new people, plus the chance to diversify myself, as well. It also gives me status, essential for getting the most out of any conversation. For people are more attracted to somebody who is diversified, and has a lot to talk about. Being diversified is an important commodity for anyone to have.

in conclusion, for me everyone must know on how to be a effective speaker with the knowledge in communicate effective to audiences.