Monday 17 October 2011

zero to hero....=)

ahlan wasahlan...assalamualaikum wbt...
apa kabar sumer??
arini ak nk kongsi 1st time experience after 3 month be da herbalife member,...
syokk gler weyh...
aku xpnah join mne2 event like dis o to hero b4...
i'm so excited to be there again in next event of herbalife....

oppssss...i need to go.....
my stomach like eated by the little monster....HELP....!!!!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

how do i communicate effectively to others????

Being a good communicator is more than just making yourself heard but it’s about really understanding what you need to communicate and then finding the best way to communicate it.

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful business or private relationship and just like any other skill, it’s something that can be learned and practised. Many people feel they are not very good at communicating clearly in a face-to-face situation and shy away from it, preferring to rely on emails and texts – they then wonder why they do not seem to achieve the outcomes they were hoping for! 

Therefore, we need to communicate effectively with those around us, whether that’s your manager, your colleagues or even your partner, but how do we get it right? It’s essential to be clear about the purpose of communication and what makes it effective.

there are some tips i do to communicate effectively;


for me the message may be entertaining, but if i do not understand i will lost at the end of communication and also the other. So that's why understanding is the one of the way make me effective in communicate with people. 
This is usually achieved by the use of good questioning skills for example i am using ‘open’ questions to gain additional information from my audiences, and ‘closed’ questions to clarify what i am think about.  
Naturally, if i am going to ask questions,i also need to be able and prepared to listen properly to what is said or in the case of written communication, to read what i have received very carefully before responding to my audiences.
 not only that i am also, avoid abbreviations if i am in any doubt as to the other party’s level of knowledge on the subject.

Get interested in other people

audiences or people have two situations which other people can listen to; 
1)what’s in it for me(WIFM)
2)what’s in it for others(WIFO)
WIFM is BORING for people to listen to. Most people are interested in themselves. People want to be flattered, and I can do this by letting the other person talk about him or herself, by changing the channel to WIFO. 

By changing the channel to WIFO, I has just led the person to feeling good about themselves. Since i was the one who made them feel good about themselves, they will be indebted to me and will want to pay me back by helping me out with what i wanted them to do for me.

Diversify myself 

when i realise that i must change my way to communicate i am decided to learn about sports,cooking, dancing, even television shows,and else. This gives me subjects to talk about, as well as chances to meet new people. In cases such as dancing, where i meet people as i perform the activity, i'm actually killing two birds with one stone. From this i get the chance to meet new people, plus the chance to diversify myself, as well. It also gives me status, essential for getting the most out of any conversation. For people are more attracted to somebody who is diversified, and has a lot to talk about. Being diversified is an important commodity for anyone to have.

in conclusion, for me everyone must know on how to be a effective speaker with the knowledge in communicate effective to audiences.

why do i feel nervous and how i overc0me it???

nervous is NORMAL for everyone. it is the human people will faced this feeling. everyone will be NERVOUS before a 'PLAY'. the person will feel the heart RACE,hands SHAKE,knees KNOCK,skin perspire.


for me i will feel nervous when i'm not sure bout something it makes me anxiety before it happened. sometimes it also not happened if the thing is also happened when i am waiting for a few minutes or even a few second. for example;waiting for name called to present something in front of people,waiting for number calling at bank,waiting for a call and so on. so i can conclude that i will feel nervous when be in the waiting condition.

it is because when i am waiting it makes me think to negative effect.of course each situation must it effect right??so am i.i will imagine the bad effect that makes me nervous.i am not sure the result yet, but i am still thinking that i make mistakes and gonna be failed later on...

first of all the very best way i do to deal with nervous is i am practise for many times before it 'PLAY'. When i  practice speech so much that you can do it more better without the high level of nervous, but it is still there.
as we all know practise makes perfect...!!!so am i.for me when i am practise,practise and practise i will decreased my nervous.however it still a little bit nervousness i must continue and faced it,face the situation where i need to speak in front of people.

while waiting to speak i will quietly tighten and reduce the nervous i am also squeeze my hands together and then release it.then while i am start to speaking, i will focus and concentrate on breathing slowly and deeply. Nervous people have a tendency to take short shallows breaths.

" speaker's anxiety begin to drop after 30 seconds of a presentation"

Giving speeches or presentaions are very nervous for people who are not very confident but remember the teacher won't let the other students laugh at you!!!! believe me you will attract yourself if you are embarrased then you will go red. Think about what you are going to do after the presnentation or think of someone who you think is Proud of you and do it for them.

Trust me they won't laugh at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday 11 October 2011

assingment public speaking....~~~

ahlan wasahlan
assalamualaikummm wbt...

today dapat the last assesment for public is the blog writing...
oh my godness...Aku dh lah memag xreti nk share2 ni ha...adoyi..cmna ni ek???
tp xpa untuk my succesful result aku kna gak try addition kalu dr skarang aku xblajaq smpi bla aku xreti buat let's move on ANIS...!!!!!

taken by anis tomey...=)

assesment public speaking for part5 (july-december)
1)informative speech = 20m
2)persuasive speech = 20m
3)in prompt to = 10m
4)forum = 20m
5)discussion = 20m
6)blog writing = =10m

total sume 100m...

can i have dis full mark??oh sir help me plis...
i know dat i worst in speak english...
but im try my best for my subject...huhuuhuhhuhu...

ya allah permudahkanlah aku dan lembutkanlah ati sir ketika memberi markh...
h0pefully aku will got 'A' in my public speaking subject....

I CAN DO IT...!!!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

my informative speech

asslamualaikum w.b.t
i bid to sir khairun nizam b shuib and fellow friends.
before i am start my speech let me show you a video....


congkak or congklak is a mancala game of malay that played in malaysia, singapore, brunei, and most in asian. mancala family is a board of games played around the world, sometimes called sowing or count and counter games. other games in mancala family is bao, igisoro, omsewo and else.




Today I am standing in front of all of you not to present about this mancala family but  to inform about the rules of playing congkak. There are four important rules in playing st straight, buckle up and enjoy my presentation.

Usually the Congkak board has fourteen holes in two sets of seven plus an additional bigger store-holes for each player where means that have two bigger holes. 

A total of 98 pieces are used in the two sets of seven board version. In Southeast Asia, cowrie shells and tamarind seeds are the most common. But now people better use marbles while playing congkak.Seven seeds are placed in each hole except for the players' store. The objective of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent

thre are the five steps in playing congkak :

Players take turns moving the seeds except in the first move which is performed simultaneously, beginning with the hole closest to his/her own store. After this first simultaneous movement, once the last seed falls into an empty hole, the players' first turn is over and the opponent of the player who reached an empty hole first commences his/her turn after the other player has finished his opening move too.


On a turn, a player chooses one of the seven holes under their control. The player removes all seeds from this hole, and distributes them in each hole clockwise. It is called as sowing.  Sowing skips an opponent's store, but does not skip a player's own store.

If a player is unable to fill a hole with seven seeds that hole is considered sunog (burnt) or means that all excess seeds are returned to the store. The round begins with the player with no sunog holes taking his/her turn sowing first. If the last seed falls into an occupied hole, all the seeds are removed from that hole, and are sown starting from that hole. The process continues until the last seed falls into a player's store, or an empty hole.

The game ends, when a player has no seeds in his holes at the start of his turn. The remaining seeds are awarded to his opponent.

In conclusion even though nowadays we are exposing with many games existing technologies, we must remember that even once we forget the old or traditional games. There are prove the culture and historical of the Malaysians in Asians.

that's all thank you.


ahlan wasahlan

asslamualaikum w.b.t

arini sy nk share stelah berada di mggu yg ke 12 akhirnya sy telah men 'complete' kn 2 dr 4 speech yg diberi oleh lecturer public speaking sy sir khairun nizam shuib.....
yg pertama informative speech
yg kedua persuasive speech
yg ketiga inpromptu
yg keempat forum...

informative and persuasive done....

informative sy wat pasal congkak

 ni bao...c0me from mancala family

ni lah share info tentang congkak 

ade 2 lg speech kne tempoh...

seb bek lah sem last kn...heheheheh

tu je kot....terimas all..!!!

Monday 3 October 2011

aboy tunang...

ahlan wasahlan

hai suma readers...

pada 1 oktober 2011 yg lepas...
setelah 3 tahun gap ruang masa akhirnya kami sekeluarga kembali menerima seorang ahli famili yang bru....

hantaran dr pihak laki...

adda,busu,saya dan ab0y (pengantin)

najar and her future mother in law

najar yg sweet~~~

najar,ab0y and makngah

hantaran dr pihak perempuan

sy dan najar =)

bessnyee....kepci tesco...;-)

ahlan wasahlan....

hai suma..
kini sy berada di kepci di tesco mergong

 cedappp nyewww....

 atok kepci yg encem..~~~

nyum2x =)

Wednesday 28 September 2011


ahlan wasahlan
assalamualaikummm... w.b.t

hai sume org...!!!
mari lah membaca beramai2 ape yg sy tulis dlm blog ni...
enjoy lah ye awak2x....

lalalalalalalal.....dah ada blog....hikhik..;-)